
  • The different types of magnesium

    These are the different types of magnesium;Magnesium L-Theronate, for  mood, brain, cognition.Magnesium Oxide, e.g milk of magnesia, h...
  • Zinc deficiency symptoms

    changes in your nails more infections diarrhoea feeling irritable loss of appetite eye problems impotence hair loss weight loss wounds that take a...
  • Benifits of sulphur

    Sulfur detoxifies It helps the body to get rid of built-up toxins which weaken the immune system and overloading of kidneys and liver. Its an exce...
  • Bone is made of much more than calcium.

    Peak bone density happens in your 20s. You loose density of your bones after that esp women due t hormonal changes Vitamin D-You get 100 times more...
  • Magnesium deficiency symptoms

    Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency loss of appetite. nausea and vomiting. fatigue and weakness. shaking. muscle spasms. pins and needles. hyperexci...
  • How Acupuncture Can Help Reduce Pain and Stress

    Acupuncture is traditional Chinese medicine and has been in existence for thousands of years. It is a technique that balances our life force otherwise known as Qi which is believed to flow through pathways in our body known as meridians. When these pathways are blocked it causes 'dis-ease.' It is widely known as a therapeutic practice to relax and heal the body by using very thin needles. Many people have tried this procedure and are satisfied with the results.

    Thin hair-like needles are used are pressed into the skin. The body may feel slight pain which only lasts a couple of seconds. I recently had a client who described it as “good pain.”   It is a very beneficial way to obtain instant results. 

  • Lemon, ginger, cayenne and turmeric shot


  • Sun gazing

    Sun gazing is an ancestral healing practice which has been passed down throughout generations and is making a come back. I started the practice in autumn 2020 when I had the luck and pleasure to live on Lough Mask in Co Mayo for 6 months. My intention initially was to upskill my photography. When I went out with the camera to catch the best sunlight I found myself absorbed and uplifted by the true magnificance and beauty of what I was immersed in...