Cupping therapy


Traditional cupping is a therapy used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. This technique is believed to promote healing through increased blood flow, reduction of pain, and enhancement of overall wellness.

Benefits of Cupping
Pain Relief: Cupping is commonly used to alleviate muscle pain, back pain, and tension headaches. It helps by improving blood flow and reducing muscle tension.
Inflammation Reduction: The increased blood flow and lymphatic circulation can help reduce inflammation.
Relaxation: The therapy can promote relaxation by easing muscle tension and stress.
Detoxification: Cupping is believed to help remove toxins from the body through improved circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Improved Blood Flow: By increasing blood circulation to the targeted areas, cupping can enhance the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues.
Support for Respiratory Issues: Cupping can help with respiratory problems such as colds, bronchitis, and asthma by loosening congestion and promoting drainage of mucus.
Mechanism of Action
Mechanical Effects: The suction created by cupping pulls the skin and underlying tissues upward, which increases blood flow and promotes healing of the tissue.
Nervous System Effects: The process can stimulate the peripheral nervous system, leading to pain relief and muscle relaxation.
Immunological Effects: Cupping might stimulate the immune system by promoting the release of cytokines and other immune system mediators.